Widening Your World With Taste

The Sunshine Blogger Award

The Sunshine Blogger Award
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The Sunshine Blogger Award

My goal for this blog has always been to lighten someone’s day; share memories, fun facts, delicious food; and maybe lift some spirits.  So, I am very honored to have been nominated for The Sunshine Blogger Award by Valerie, at valerieascending.wordpress.com! It was a wonderful way to kick off the new month, and great encouragement to keep doing what I do.

The Sunshine Blogger Award was created to showcase bloggers who are creative, uplifting, and inspire others…to bring recognition to so many talented and dedicated bloggers.

There are a few rules to the award and nominations, so we can get to know and discover fellow bloggers. These are:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you in your blog post and link back to her /his blog.
  2. Answer 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  3. Nominate 11 new bloggers to receive the award and give them 11 questions you have chosen.
  4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger award logo in your post on your blog.
These are the questions I was asked:
  1. What motivated you to start blogging? I have been writing since I was very young, but the writing I do now for work is mostly technical. I was looking for a way to share my passion for storytelling, for family, for food, and to inspire others to share theirs as well.
  2. If you could meet your favorite author who would it be? I love John Grisham and Dan Brown, and no one could weave a story like Tom Clancy. There are too many great ones to pick just one!
  3. Who or what has been the most influential in your blogging journey? My husband and kids have been my biggest cheerleaders and “pushers” when I needed it. Others in the blogging community have been terribly supportive as well.
  4. What is your favorite downtime, and what do you do? Weekends, since I have a 7-4 job during the week. I love to work on DIY projects around the house, to scrapbook, or to read a good book. I also love game nights with the family.
  5. Are you a shower singer, or do you prefer an audience? I usually sing in the car, so my audience is my poor husband when we are traveling together!
  6. Where do you find yourself blogging the most? i.e home, park, coffee shop. Typically at home. I prefer to do the actual writing and website work from my laptop with monitors hooked up.
  7. What is an ideal day for you? Get up early before anyone else, grab a cup of coffee and sit on the deck for a while enjoying the quiet, spend some time on the computer writing, knock out a few chores, then spend time with my family or friends.
  8. Do you have a Bucket List?  If so, what is your number one? I don’t have a bucket list, but things I would love to do in this lifetime are to visit one beautiful place in each state, zip line, and do a cooking show (host one, be on one…anything…just the experience).
  9. Who or what is your most favorite Fictional Character? This is a hard one.  Lately I’ve enjoyed the character of Elizabeth McCord on Madam Secretary.  She’s perfectly imperfect…outwardly confident while inwardly insecure; empathetic but realistic; in love with her husband and protective of her family.
  10. Do you ever go without makeup? Only on weekends when I’m not working my “real” job.
  11. Describe your blog and its purpose in 2-3 sentences. A Slice of Spice is a food and lifestyle blog dedicated to sharing inspiring moments, family togetherness, unique ideas, nostalgic journeys, and scrumptious recipes…all in my quirky southern style and spirit.

I want to thank Valerie again for this nomination for the Sunshine Blogger Award!  Make sure you stop by and check her out here!

Here are my nominees, all bloggers who have inspired me with what they do, and their questions:

The Kitchen Docs (kitchendocs.com), Family Apples (familyapples.com), Nourishment For the Soul (nourishmysoultherapy.com), Sagebrush Farm NV (sagebrushfarmnv.com), Stunning Complications (stunningcomplications.com), Just Me and Eddy (justmeandeddy.com), Lemon Blessings (lemonblessings.com), These Foreign Roads (theseforeignroads.com), This Little Light (Cathytubb.com), The Watering W(h)ole (thewaterwholeonline.com), Itsy Bitsy Kitchen (itsybitsykitchen.com)

  1. What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
  2. What is your favorite blog post you’ve written, and why?
  3. If you could have dinner with anyone (alive or dead) who would it be, and why?
  4. What would your superpower be?
  5. If you could only have 4 apps on your phone, what would they be?
  6. What do you most want people to take away from reading your blog?
  7. What is your most embarrassing moment (the PG version of course)?
  8. Who would play you in a movie version of your life?
  9. Coffee or tea (or something else)?
  10. What one word best describes your personality?
  11. What, or who, was the catalyst for your blogging journey?

So remember to start each day with a grateful heart, and always include A Slice of Spice!


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