Widening Your World With Taste

There’s No Crying In Pot Pie

There’s No Crying In Pot Pie
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Confessions of a Perfectionist

If you ask my family, they will most likely tell you I tend to be a perfectionist…an overachiever.  Maybe it’s just my genetic makeup, or my upbringing, or maybe it’s because I’m the middle child…I have no idea why, I just know I am.  When I was younger, I had to quit college after my first year due to financial constraints.  A few years later I went back to school and continued working a full time job as well, until I finally got my degree.  My younger brother swears to this day that I went back when I did so I could graduate before him and be the first in our family with a college degree.  Whaaat? Nope…no way! I would never admit it to him, but secretly I sometimes wonder if he might be right! As I’ve gotten older, I have tried to let go of some of that…to be okay with being good enough sometimes.  For the most part I think I do pretty good with it.  For the most part….

This is the very perfection of a man, to find out his own imperfections.” – Saint Augustine

Boy I Blew That Test!

So, one night last week I came home from work and began pulling the last of our Thanksgiving leftovers out of the fridge.  You know the ones…just a little bit of green bean casserole, and a little bit of mashed potatoes, and a little bit of turkey or ham…that everyone is tired of reheating! I had a box of store-bought pie crusts just waiting for this very day…Leftover Pot Pie day.  I warmed the “little bits” together in a skillet, adding a few odds and ends and seasonings until the taste was just right.  I rolled the bottom crust into the pie pan and filled it with my leftovers, then gently put the top crust on and crimped the edges and cut slits in the top to make a beautiful pie.

Pot Pie

I popped that baby into the oven, feeling quite happy that dinner would be finished in just a bit with minimal effort and would be delicious.  It was turning a beautiful, golden brown and the aroma filled the kitchen.  With about 15 minutes of cook time left, I pulled the pot pie out and grabbed the aluminum foil to shield the edges and keep them from getting too brown.  At this point in the story I should interject that I have a set of pie crust shields.  They are tucked away on a shelf way back in my pantry, behind the giant rolling container of dog food.  The aluminum foil on the other hand is right there on the door of the pantry…much easier to reach.

aluminum foil

So…I wrapped the edges in strips of foil, opened the oven door, grabbed the hot pads and lowered that beautiful pie down into the oven.  Then disaster struck!  One of the hot pads was resting on a strip of foil, which proceeded to shift, sending the entire pie (plate and all) crashing down onto the bottom of my oven!  Oh my goodness, what a mess!  After what seemed like an eternity of staring, I picked up the pie plate (with a smidge of pot pie still intact), turned off the oven, and closed the door.  Then it started…the anger, the self-recrimination, the tears.  My poor husband, looking at what was left of the pot pie sitting on the stove top, gingerly suggested there might still be enough left to eat, which of course sent me into another tirade of pity- party musings.  “Of course there’s not enough for three of us!” “I’m just not going to eat anything!” “I’m too fat anyway!” (yes, I really said that).  “Other food bloggers don’t have these things happen to them!” (said that too). “Why was I so lazy? I should have just gotten out the pie crust shields!”

Yes, Food Bloggers Have Kitchen Fails!

Standing at the sink crying, blaming myself for all of the worlds’ ills and sure in my heart of hearts that my family would starve that night because of me…what a mess I was!  Not until I noticed my wonderful soul mate sitting on the kitchen floor, oven door open, scooping out pot pie with a spatula so I wouldn’t have to, did the sheer ridiculousness of the situation finally hit me.  Really? In all of history did the world ever end because of a dropped pie? Would the stock market crash tomorrow because I had a kitchen fail? Would my family love me less or readers find me less relatable because I didn’t create the perfect meal? Of course not…so why was I beating myself up? What is it in me that takes me down that rabbit hole?

We finished picking up the broken pieces of pot pie, ordered take out, sat in the den eating at tray tables and watching Jeopardy, trying to beat each other to the answers and laughing at the absurdity of the past hour.  The next evening I made a delicious Turkey and Wild Rice Soup and the world never missed a beat! My reminder that in the grand scheme of things my small set backs are just that…small.

Moral of the story is, when life gives you lemons (or failed pot pie), order pizza and have a good laugh…you will feel better!


So, are you a perfectionist, or chill?  Have you ever had a misstep that was made worse by your own overreaction?  How did you handle it?

Can’t wait to hear in the comments below.  And hey, while you’re here take a minute to subscribe in the sidebar so you don’t miss another post!

See you soon!



62 thoughts on “There’s No Crying In Pot Pie”

  • Oh, dear – this is the kind of fail I always think might happen. The more fiddly the dish, the more I worry. Yes, I’m a perfectionist too! Thanks for sharing and with such great humor. My most recent fail, which I “saved”: if you look carefully at my recent post on nachos, you can see that the “sour cream” in the center isn’t picture perfect. That’s because when I was setting up the shot, I accidentally knocked over my reflector screen onto the dish and it landed right on top, picking up some of the white garnish. I didn’t have any more coconut cream, so fixed it as best as I could. See if you can tell. 😉

  • I love the idea of making a pot pie and I can totally relate to the self imposed pressures of perfection, The struggle is real. It’s a shame you did not get a new oven out of the deal (disaster) LOL – what a great husband, nice when they step in when we feel we have lost control. Love your post, it made me subscribe!!

  • Wow, love the idea of making a pot pie with dinner leftovers. I actually grabbed my face when I read that your pot pie fell….oh my goodness! I can hear all the quotes being said. Crazy how we do that to ourselves. Thank you for sharing the crazy, honest pot pie debacle!
    Love this story!

  • I love this post. I sometimes wonder (as I put another perfect picture on facebook) what people would think if they knew about the failures. New years eve I actually posted a picture titled “What am I making tonight? A HUGE MESS!” And it was true. The picture got likes and comments and it was real and honest. Yes, Food Bloggers drop pies. From one perfectionist to another, I LOVE this post. <3

    • Thank you so much Michelle! So glad to know I’m not alone in this craziness! I guess people want to know that we are real too…mistakes and all!

  • Oh my gosh, I loved this post! My first thought was, “What a lovely idea to use up leftovers!” I had never thought of that before. But oh my goodness, I can so relate to your reaction to the catastrophic event that followed! Lol What a great reminder to keep things in perspective! ❤️

  • Oh my goodness, is the stock market going to crash? haha… I get this feeling. I hate when I make something and it’s not the way I wanted it to turn out. Fun thing with cooking is, I feel like even if you make the same thing twice, any little step could make a difference.

    • That is so true! Sometimes I will throw something together using what I have on hand and my husband will say we should have this again. Probably won’t happen!

  • Oh, man, I’m so proud of myself when I cook anything that nice (and also a perfectionist), I would’ve been so upset about it falling on the floor. BUT this totally sounds like something that would happen to me, too. Lol Glad you were able to laugh about it in the end. Thanks for sharing your story!

  • Oh, my goodness ~ story of my life! I am such a perfectionist, but have learned over the years to laugh at myself. Sometimes I succeed, other times it takes me a bit to get my chuckle going. LOL. And thank God for pizza – right?

  • Oh Michelle! I saw this on your twitter few days ago. It happens to all of us..including other food bloggers!. Sending you hugs…leftover pot pie or not..<3

  • Girl I get you! I’ve been learning to embrace my imperfections and not be so hard on myself but i’ve Gone through less extreme versions of this with cooking fails and no back up plan. Once I used apple cider vinegar instead of apple cider 🤢.

  • I’m a total perfectionist, but blessed with a husband that balances me with his laid back easy going love of life! It’s good to know I’m not alone!

  • LOL I am laughing with you if that makes it any better! I have totally been there, and it was just week when I had a mental breakdown over a piece of salmon belly that did not turn out the way it had so many times before. I literally cried over a piece of fish, and it wasn’ the quiet no one will notice cry it was a total loss of a day spent in the kitchen and not even being able to finish with a photo shoot as per normal. The next day, I was sitting in the home office and the garage door opened and it was my husband, he had gone out and purchased everything I needed to recreate the entire meal and a bouquet of flowers. What a love, and next time I’ll try to keep myself together because there will be a next time! We’ve got this!

    • Awwww…what a sweetheart you have! You made me laugh about it all over again just picturing that scene! Hit me up if you need moral support next time it goes sideways!

  • I am a total perfectionist in most things, but food is not one of those things, haha. Maybe because I just know I’m going to eat it anyway. But if it’s home decor or crafts, I will slave away until it’s exactly how I expect it to be!

  • This cracked me up! I am a perfectionist in some ways and totally chilled in others! Not sure when that happened!! I like to think I’m the chilled one in our relationship but then he does something around the house or touches “my” stuff and I turn into a freaked out perfectionist. The “dinner is trashed” so we’ll order pizza happens more then it should in our house

    • LOL! I hear you Nikki. My mantra since we got married when my hubs does something that I usually handle has been “remember…it’s not wrong, just different!”

  • I just love this post! Your honesty not only made me smile but it was a pleasure to read! Everyone has things that don’t work out but the thing I keep telling myself..you never fail if you keep trying and that what you did the next day!

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