Widening Your World With Taste

A World of Flavor – It’s All In The Math

A World of Flavor – It’s All In The Math

Originally published February, 2018

It’s All In the Math

I freely confess I am obsessed with food.  That is not to say I eat food obsessively, but that I am obsessed with creating dishes; with trying new ideas; with testing the latest craze.  From warm, welcoming appetizers to the most decadent, luscious desserts and everything in between I want to try them, make them, share them. 

My Christmas wish list every year includes cooking paraphernalia…new mixing bowls, a spiralizer, pinch bowls…you name it I’ve probably asked for it!  And lord, please don’t let me get started watching Food Network on the weekend…nothing else will get finished! I have actually dreamed I was on Masterchef or on the home cook’s version of Chopped!

In 2016, during a simple health assessment for our insurance, the nurse became very concerned, asking if I felt light headed or dizzy.  It turns out my blood pressure was through the roof.  Full disclosure for the sake of transparency, I gained about 80 pounds in the previous 7 or 8 years, so it probably shouldn’t have come as a surprise. 

I followed up with my doctor and sure enough, was diagnosed with hypertension and put on meds.  “Cut back on salt, get more exercise, cut out processed foods.”  I went home, determined to do better.  Once the medication normalized my blood pressure life moved on and eventually I didn’t give it much thought (other than cutting back on salt).


Diabetes – The Catalyst

DiabetesFast forward one year to my annual check-up. My A1C level (blood sugar) moved into diabetic range. Diabetes?  How is that possible? How did I get to this place?  After a long heart-to-heart with my doctor, she agreed to give me three months to control it with diet and exercise before deciding on a medication regimen.  So my healthy eating journey began.

Research, questions, lots of google!  I was on a “no med mission!” I just knew there was a silver bullet out there; a way I could enjoy my favorite foods AND lose weight AND not be diabetic.  I half-heartedly tried many fad diets in the past…Atkins, South Beach, low fat, low carb, no eggs, only eggs, protein shakes. They all seemed to circle back around every few years under a new name, but with the same results.  I knew this time had to be different…it had to start with food that worked for me, my family, my lifestyle…and of course for my love of cooking.


Why Does Healthy Have to Taste Bad?

The first thing I discovered on this new path is that a lot of healthy recipes just don’t taste that good.  They always say “A delicious, healthy version of (insert your favorite comfort food)” or “eating healthy never tasted so good.” Or even “you’ll never miss (insert your favorite bad stuff).”  But at the end of the day, it was usually bland, or texture-less, or tasted like eating cardboard. “Does it taste like that to keep you from wanting seconds, and thus losing weight?” I wondered.  

I kept telling myself it would be worth it to get healthy, but in my heart of hearts I knew I would struggle to stick with it if I couldn’t enjoy the food.  What southern girl can cut out gravy, potatoes, fried foods, rice, or sweets without something full of flavor to bridge that gap?  With that, my “no med mission” expanded to a “making healthier fare taste delicious so I don’t fall off the wagon and ruin my no med mission, mission.”


Where the Math Comes In

Through much experimenting (trial and error), I discovered the secret is in the math.  Not the new math they are teaching our kids these days, but basic, simple arithmetic.  If you are taking something out, you must put something in to replace it.  If you are taking away gravy, you must add something to keep your dish moist and flavorful.  If you are replacing delicious starches, you must add more layers of flavor, so your tongue doesn’t miss them.  If you are cutting fats or sugars what will you add so it will still entice your taste buds? 

Traditional enhancements…salt, pepper, garlic…will not alone do the trick.  You need a treasure trove of spices…an armory of aroma…a depository of flavor; and you need to understand when and how to use them to take your dish to new levels, or how to mix them together for an entirely new twist. Every herb you lovingly simmer into your food, every spice you add at the end of cooking for that little kick, adds its own nuance to your dish…makes a statement to those you are feeding that you care about them (even if you are only feeding yourself).

Making It Delicious

MeatballsSpices and herbs, relishes and salsas made with the freshest of ingredients, slow cooked sauces with little or no added fats or sugars…these are all plus signs in your math equation.  An open mind and adventurous food spirit…a plus sign! A weekly food plan to help you make good choices…a plus sign! Tips and tricks to make it easier to eat right…plus sign! The acceptance that it’s ok to slip up or have an occasional indulgence without beating yourself up…plus sign! Better health, more energy, weight loss…plus signs! 

The minus signs? Fats, sugars, excess weight, lethargy, reflux or other digestive issues, low self-esteem, maybe even some health problems like mine.  I think the math speaks for itself when you look at the big picture.

And my first three-month follow up?  I lost 24 pounds and my A1C levels were back in the normal range. As an added bonus, my dosage of blood pressure medicine was cut in half, and then in half again with the next visit. 

Yes, I have had set backs, and the amount of weight loss has slowed down as expected, and I still have a long way to go. It’s not an overnight fix…it is a lifetime reset.  I am determined going forward to always be “diabetic with normal blood sugar levels controlled by diet and exercise” as my doctor notated at my last visit. And if I get to indulge in my passion for cooking and explore delicious foods at the same time, that too is a plus sign!

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Do you have any tricks you use to make healthy eating delicious? Please share in the comments below. And I hope you will follow my mathematical food explorations by subscribing to A Slice of Spice. Until next time, remember to add some spice to your every day!


55 thoughts on “A World of Flavor – It’s All In The Math”

  • I had gestational diabetes with my youngest and had to actually give myself insulin injections. I’m trying so hard to not cross that threshold again.

  • Terrific post fresh foods are a boon to health and healthy meals can be delicious meals! I think fast food is one of the worst creations to mankind people need to get out of the rut of “convenience” and spend an hour or less on fresh alternatives! Thanks so much for sharing 🤗

    • Thanks Angela! I appreciate your feedback! And I agree…fast food has held us hostage for too long!

  • Yes to this! I switched to a plant based LIFESTYLE 3 years ago due to a multitude of health issues. They’ve all cleared up and there’s no going back to my old way of eating. I’ve learned that eating veggies and fruits, brown rice, legumes and nuts doesn’t have to be bland. My meals are extremely healthy and full of flavor because of herbs and spices. I’ve become the cook that I’ve always wanted to be, ironically , after severely limiting my diet.

    • Congratulations on your healthy lifestyle! It’s so funny how you slowly start craving the fresher more flavorful dishes without even realizing it!

  • Very interesting. Good luck on your journey! I was borderline for gestational diabetes, so I had to cut out lots of my favorite carbs. Not easy, but my weight gain was healthy. Of course, I overcompensated after my daughter was born and ate all the carbs!

  • I’ve never thought about healthy cooking this way. I guess I just have assumed everyone cooks healthy like I do. I learned how to cook from Grandmas that were raised at the beginning of the 20th century and used only fresh ingredients, usually growing their own.

    • Using fresh ingredients doesn’t necessarily mean healthy! My grandmother grew and canned much of her own food, but she still used bacon fat, sugar, gravies…rethinking the way I cook is a challenge!

  • Such a great point! If you’re not keeping the sugar and fat, the tastes really need to be more interesting to keep our attention and feel satisfied with what we’ve eaten.

  • Interesting. I love both math and healthy eating. And you are right, they work together pretty well. Thanks for sharing.

  • My daughter’s math teacher says there is math in everything. She has the kids do a presentation on anything they want and then explain all the different ways math is in it. I’m showing her this.

    • I love that! What a great way for kids to understand why learning math is so important even if they don’t plan on pursuing a career involving math!

  • You have some good points about replacing flavors. I agree; many healthy replacement dishes are not that great. I can’t get into cauliflower crusts, for example. This give me hope!

    • LOL! I hear you about the crusts. I mean seriously, you can call a zoodle pasta, but we all know it’s not pasta! The key is just finding what tastes good to you, not trying to make it look or taste like something else!

  • This is great! As a former math teacher who is currently living with cancer, I can relate to all of this. I wish more people would replace the standard fare with healthier options like you have done. Everyone would be better off for it. Keep up the good work!

  • Love this! Healthy does not have to taste bad or be bland. People think healthy and think plain chicken and broccoli. There are so many recipes out there now to suit everyone!

  • I’m not a fan of being in the kitchen, but since I’m cooking for 7 children, I do my best. I’ve never thought about math!

  • I just think healthy fresh food does just taste better. After you give up sugar and grains you detox and then the veggies and everything else just tastes so good even without too much seasoning.

  • What a great way to look at coming up with new recipes. I’ve been eating low carb for 2 years now and really don’t miss them because the food I do eat is so flavorful.

  • Great way of approaching a healthier lifestyle! Somewhere along the way, I came to prefer vegetables with zero spices or salt… no idea how that happened. As for meats, I really love to incorporate the herbs I grow in the garden, as they seem to taste so much better!

    • Me too! What good is a healthy eating plan if you know you won’t stick to it because it doesn’t taste good?

  • Congrats in the health journey. I try to use fresh seasonal items to make things flavorful & healthy.

  • Uts always in the flavor. My spice racks DNA drawer are overflowing with different items that we love to use.

  • It’s all in the math…. genius!! I am trying to be healthier but don’t like the feeling of restricting. Adding and changing – I can do that!

  • Well done on your progress so far, and knowing that you’re not in it for the quick fix. I love that you’re taking an analytical approach to finding a solution to tasty healthy food!

  • Kindred spirits, Michele. I see all these yummy recipes, look at the ingredients, and think, “how can I make this a healthier version”? I am a true believer in allowing our food to be our medicine. Great job in your “no med mission”!

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